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What are the possible reasons for abnormal wear of brake pads?

As a key component in the automobile braking system, the normal operation of brake pads is essential for the safety of the vehicle. However, in actual use, brake pads may wear abnormally, resulting in reduced braking effect and even safety hazards. Understanding and identifying the possible reasons for abnormal wear of brake pads will help to take timely measures to ensure the safe driving of the vehicle. The following are several common reasons for abnormal wear of brake pads:

1. Improper driving habits
Frequent sudden braking, long-term high-load braking and improper driving habits are one of the main causes of abnormal wear of brake pads. Sudden braking will cause a sharp increase in friction between the brake pads and the brake disc, thereby accelerating the wear of the brake pads. On the contrary, smooth driving and reasonable braking operation can significantly extend the service life of the brake pads.

2. Brake system failure
Failure of other components of the brake system can also cause abnormal wear of the brake pads. For example, problems such as brake caliper jamming, brake disc deformation or uneven brake disc thickness will cause uneven contact between the brake pads and the brake disc, thereby accelerating the local wear of the brake pads. In addition, insufficient or poor quality brake fluid will also affect the normal operation of the braking system, and thus affect the wear of the brake pads.

3. Bad driving environment
The driving environment also has a significant impact on the wear of the brake pads. Frequent driving on muddy and dusty roads will cause a large amount of impurities to adhere to the surface of the brake pads, aggravating the wear of the brake pads. In addition, frequent driving on congested urban roads and increased parking and starting times will also accelerate the wear of the brake pads.

4. Improper installation of brake pads
Whether the brake pads are installed correctly directly affects their use effect and life. Improper installation will cause uneven contact between the brake pads and the brake disc, causing abnormal wear. Therefore, the installation of the brake pads should be carried out by professional technicians to ensure that they are installed and adjusted correctly.

5. The brake pads do not match the brake disc
The matching degree between brake pads and brake discs of different materials and brands is different. If the brake pads and brake discs do not match, it will cause uneven friction during braking, causing abnormal wear of the brake pads. Therefore, when choosing brake pads, try to choose products that are matched with the original factory or have been professionally matched and tested.

6. Overloading the vehicle
Long-term overloading or frequent driving on complex roads such as mountain roads will increase the load on the brake system, causing the brake pads to wear faster. Especially on downhill sections, frequent use of the brakes will cause the brake pads to overheat and aggravate wear.

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